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Where and when are the meetings

Meetings are held on the last Thursday or every month and start at 7:00 pm.


Royal Canadian Legion Branch #285
920 Horton Road SW
Calgary AB

Cruises will be held in addition to meetings in June and September and will depart from the Legion at 7:00 pm (Cruises instead of meetings, July and August.  Often, May and June as well if the weather is good.)

What types of cars are in the Club

All types, but of course, this is a Mustang Club, so 97% of the cars are Mustangs of some sort: classic hard-tops and fastbacks, Mustang IIs, Shelby's, late model, and new cars.  We also have Rancheros, Torinos, and pickup trucks.

Owning a car isn't even a requirement for membership!  Some of our members have non-Fords for Pete's sake!  (We keep them in because they do work...).    Our Show 'n Shine is restricted to Ford products because of our big Ford sponsors.

Any club members into performance Mustangs

Yes, several members are. Some run their car at the track as often as they can, some do it occasionally.   Some members  have 300-hp late model Cobras,  one member's 289 has a tri-carb setup under the hood, and another has a super charged '95 GTS.

Do you have to own a Mustang to be in the Club

NO!  Some of our members don't even own a FORD!  Membership is open to anyone, with or without a car, with or without a Mustang.

How many members in the Club

There were 122 Family memberships registered in the Club, for the year 2021.  This figure does not include significant others and children.  Many members have more than one car.  Membership varies from year to year, depending a lot on the economy and the job market.  There has been much renewed interest in the last multiple years, with a good mix of the classics and the late models.

How can I join

Come to a meeting!  Tell us about your car, bring pictures.  Or contact the Membership Director, (phone number or Email on the "Contacts" page).  Come to the Presidential, held every year on the 3rd or 4th Saturday in June.  Talk to someone at our Club display at the World of Wheels.  Talk to any member who can give you some details on the club.  Your membership is a FAMILY membership.  If your immediate family has 10 Mustangs, you only pay once, as if you had only one.

What do you do on cruises

Cruises are not races!  In the summer months, we have cruises to members homes for a garage tour instead of having a Club meeting.  Other cruises are meant to be a way to go to a show 'n shine as a group: we generally meet in a mall parking lot at a specific time, and leave for a town or other show site together.  This could be Three Hills, High River, Red Deer, or where ever.  Sometimes we may cruise to Canmore for ice cream.  It's really cool to be in a pack of Mustangs going down the highway with all the traffic looking at all our nice cars.  Often times we cruised to the United States, or another city in Western Canada for the International Mustang Meet.  The idea is to get out and enjoy your car and other car-folks during the spring, summer, and fall.

What do you do at Show and Shines

At Show and Shines, we show up, shine our cars and then stand back proudly as the general public drool over our cars.  At most show and shines there are trophies presented in various categories.  In some cases we show up for a charity or other good cause.  Many show and shines have door prizes as well, for all participants.  For example, the AMAC Presidential, the Camaro and Friends (Mustangs are friends...) show have so many door prizes that there is generally enough for all to get something!

Show and shines are generally very low in cost to enter, never more than $20.00 and usually around $5.00 or $10.00.  Many towns block off their main streets for Show 'n Shines and really put on a good party.

What do you do throughout the year

Summer of course is our big show 'n shine season.  We put on our own car show, the Presidential, and as a group, or individually go to many other show 'n shines in the area.  All the small towns, and even areas in Calgary, have special celebrations that often include a car show of some sort.  This could include Vulcan, Nanton, Airdrie, Strathmore, Carstairs, (and many others).  There's the International every year, alternating in Canada and the United States, the big cruise to Three Hills (800 cars), the Spring Thaw in Calgary (800 cars), Stephen Avenue Mall, etc, etc.

In winter we continue to have meetings and plan the Christmas Party which in the past we have in December sometime.  In 2006 we are starting something different.  (See other pages of this web site for details of all this stuff).  No meeting in December.  In January we start planning for the Presidential or for appearing on one of the TV morning shows.  We do a highway cleanup in September. This year we are planning to have an informal get together Saturday or Sunday brunch once a month during the winter , and possibly a Ice cream cruise once a month during the summer. Check the events and cruise page for details.

Any Club jackets or other paraphernalia

Over the years there is a resurgence of the need for Club jackets when a number of members begin asking about them.  We have mugs, decals, and one year the show 'n shine prizes were watches with our Club logo for the face.  We could do more, and will do more as new members join up and start asking for this stuff. We now get our Club Jackets from a supplier that will make them six at a time. So if you are interested, you can get the name of the supplier at the monthly meeting. In the year 2003 we added a position to the executive, the new position will look after Club Jackets and other paraphernalia.

How much does it cost per year

It costs $50.00 for the annual FAMILY membership (as many cars as you and your significant other and children (who live at home) may have).  Dues are due in January of every year.

Who do I contact for more information

See our contacts page and contact...